Alabama Governor
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in Alabama finds Governor Bob Riley (R) leading Lt. Governor Lucy Baxley (D) by seven percentage points, 47% to 40%. He leads former Governor Don Siegelman (D) by 17.
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in Alabama finds Governor Bob Riley (R) leading Lt. Governor Lucy Baxley (D) by seven percentage points, 47% to 40%. He leads former Governor Don Siegelman (D) by 17.
For the first time in Election 2006, Governor Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) has opened a significant lead over his Democratic challengers. The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in California shows Schwarzenegger leading State Treasurer Phil Angelides (D) by double digits, 49% to 36%.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Americans say they will attend a Church service to celebrate Easter this weekend.
Seventy-five percent (75%) believe the central claim of the Easter celebration, that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
Democrat Mike Beebe leads Asa Hutchinson (R) by 11 points in the race to succeed Mike Huckabee as Governor of Arkansas.
Burns now leads State Senate President Jon Tester 47% to 44%. A month ago, Burns trailed Tester 46% to 43%. Two weeks ago, Burns had pulled even.
Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius (D) has expanded her lead against two Republican challengers and, for the first time, moved above the 50% level of voter support.
Forty-six percent (46%) of Americans say that filling out their income tax paperwork is worse than going to the dentist.
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll of Florida voters shows Nelson leading Harris by 30 percentage points, 57% to 27%. A month ago, Nelson led by 21 points.
Our latest survey of the race for Massachusetts governor shows businessman Christy P. Mihos, running as an Independent, continuing to grab a big slice of support. Democratic contenders still have the edge, but it has declined slightly.
Democratic U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell now leads McGavick 48% to 40%. In March, Cantwell led 49% to 36%.
In our latest survey of the suspenseful race for the U.S. Senate in Missouri, Democratic State Auditor Claire McCaskill now nominally leads Republican Senator Jim Talent, the first-term incumbent, by 42% to 41%.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national opinion survey found that 37% of Americans now trust Republicans more than Democrats on the issue of immigration.
Americans today are a bit more likely to consider themselves Democrats than they did around Election Day 2004. However, the Democrats are not doing quite as well as they did in March of that election year.
In the race for Governor of Maine, the Democratic incumbent is still scrambling for a toehold against several possible Republican challengers. Incumbents with less than 50% support are especially at risk in their reelection efforts, but Governor John Baldacci has trouble staying above even 40%. He currently does so in only one of the prospective face-offs we asked likely voters about.
Forty-six percent (46%) of Americans said that they prefer the candidate with the harder line on illegal aliens while 38% opt for the candidate who wants to expand legal opportunities for foreign workers to find jobs.
Following Tom DeLay's announcement that he is leaving office, just 20% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the embattled Congressman. The latest Rasmussen Reports national opinion survey found that 45% have an unfavorable opinion of him.
Senator Debbie Stabenow (D) continues to lead three potential Republican challengers by double digits, but the challengers have gained a little ground over the past month.
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in the Keystone State shows Democrat Bob Casey leading Santorum 50% to 41%.
Ritter nominally leads Beauprez 41% to 40%, a dead heat. Ritter leads former University of Denver President Marc Holtzman 41% to 36%.