New York Senate: Hillary Clinton Maintaining Big Lead
Former Pentagon official Kathleen Troia McFarland and Yonkers Mayor John Spencer have emerged as the leading contenders for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate, but neither is making headway.
Former Pentagon official Kathleen Troia McFarland and Yonkers Mayor John Spencer have emerged as the leading contenders for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate, but neither is making headway.
At 88, Robert Byrd recently became the longest-serving member of the U.S. Senate, and it looks like the Democrat will have no trouble extending his tenure into 2007. Senator Byrd now leads Republican businessman John Raese 56% to 31%. Not long before Raese won the GOP primary, conducted in May, the Rasmussen Reports election poll was showing Byrd with a 57% to 34% lead.
Lt. Governor Mark Taylor (D) spent the first half of 2006 winning the right to be challenge Governor Sonny Perdue (R) in this November’s election. The second half of the year may be a bit tougher.
For the second straight Rasmussen Reports election poll, Democratic Senator Robert Menendez leads his challenger, New Jersey State Senator Tom Kean, Jr.
The South Carolina governor’s race is becoming even more competitive with Republican Governor Mark Sanford leading his Democratic challenger, State Senator Tommy Moore, 47% to 38% (see crosstabs). Sanford’s lead in last month’s survey was 51% to 39% .
Secretary of State Chet Culver (D) continues to edge out Congressman Jim Nussle (R) in Iowa's race for Governor. In the previous Rasmussen Reports election poll, Culver was six percentage points ahead. Now, as the nominee, Culver leads Nussle by just three points, 41% to 38%
Results of the latest Rasmussen Reports election survey of 500 likely voters show Democratic incumbent Governor Ted Kulongoski widening his lead in his bid for re-election.
For the third survey in a row, Democratic Governor Ed Rendell is enjoying a double-digit lead over Republican challenger Lynn Swann in Pennsylvania's gubernatorial race.
Democratic challenger Bob Casey, Jr. is maintaining a double-digit advantage over Senator Rick Santorum, leading 50% to 39% (see crosstabs).
Although the gap has narrowed since late May, Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano still maintains a double-digit lead over the Republicans who want her job.
Democratic Governor John Baldacci's thin advantage in our mid-June poll, which showed him leading Republican challenger Chandler Woodcock 45% to 43%, has grown by four points. In the latest Rasmussen Reports election poll, Baldacci now leads Woodcock 43% to 37%.
Proposed legislation to raise the minimum wage to $7.25 per hour and increase exemptions on the estate tax was blocked in the Senate on Thursday night, August 3. The action taken prevented the bill from being brought to the Senate floor for a vote.
There’s no big change in the Arizona race for U.S. Senate. That’s good news for the incumbent Republican, who continues an apparent glide to reelection.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) has a six-point lead over Phil Angelides (D) 47% to 41% in the latest Rasmussen Reports election poll.
After months of slowly climbing in the polls, Republican Dick DeVos now leads incumbent Governor Jennifer Granholm (D) 48% to 43%.
Unlike the U.S. Senate race in the state, Ohio's gubernatorial contest is not showing much movement.
Here we go again. For the second time in three consecutive election polls of Ohio's competitive race for U.S. Senate, the Democratic challenger has edged ahead of the Republican incumbent.
In the sunshine state's competitive gubernatorial contest, Republican Attorney General Charlie Crist is still polling better against two Democrats than is Republican State Chief Financial Officer Tom
Immigration is an issue clearly on voters’ minds according to the results of a recent Rasmussen Reports poll.
Missouri State Auditor Claire McCaskill (D) has moved ahead of Senator Jim Talent (R) in the latest Rasmussen Reports election survey to lead the incumbent 45% to 42%.