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February 16, 2018

Half of Americans Like Trump's Alternative to Food Stamps

President Trump has proposed shifting at least half of a food stamp recipient's monthly benefit from a monetary payment to a box of healthy, homegrown food. Nearly half of Americans believe it’s too easy to get food stamps and are open to this new plan.

February 15, 2018

Voters Don’t Trust Government With Their Tax Dollars

Though Congress and the president continue to introduce bills with increasingly more spending, most voters – including those who want a more hands-on government - don’t trust that taxpayer dollars are being spent wisely.

February 15, 2018

Voters Want Balanced Budget But Know Congress Isn’t Listening

Congress just passed a bipartisan budget with billions of dollars in new defense and domestic spending. The president has proposed a new budget that would spend even more, projecting deficits long into the future. Most voters think a balanced budget is a better way to go economically, but they don’t foresee that happening anytime soon.

February 15, 2018

Most Democrats Still Credit Obama for U.S. Economic Gains

Over a year after President Obama left office, a sizable number of voters - including most Democrats - remain convinced that he's responsible for the continuing boom in the U.S. economy.

February 14, 2018

Over Half of Voters Aren’t Cheering for a Military Parade

President Trump has proposed holding a massive parade in Washington, D.C. to showcase America’s military strength, but most voters don’t want it.

Michael F. Hiatt / Shutterstock.com
February 13, 2018

Voters Wonder Where Conservatives Are in Washington

Senator Rand Paul stood as a lone dissenting voice late last week as Senate leaders rammed through a bipartisan budget that dramatically increases military and domestic spending.

February 13, 2018

Democrats Still Obsessed with Russia, Other Voters Less So

For Democrats, the possible Trump-Russia connection remains the burning issue of the day. For the rest of voters, pocketbook issues and illegal immigration are priorities.

February 12, 2018

Voters Prefer Government Shutdown to More Spending

The government shut down for five- and-a-half hours Friday night as Congress wrestled to agree upon a spending bill to keep the government running, but voters would rather see a shutdown until Congress can cut spending.

February 12, 2018

35% Say #MeToo Movement Has Gone Too Far

The #MeToo movement is sweeping the nation, but a sizable number of Americans think it has gone too far.

February 8, 2018

50% Think Senior Law Enforcement Officials Broke the Law to Block Trump Presidency

A once-secret memo released last week scrutinizes the FBI and Justice Department officials for their surveillance practices of a former Trump campaign adviser, and half of voters think those officials went too far.

February 7, 2018

Voters Now More Confident U.S. Is Winning War Against ISIS

The United States is expected to begin pulling troops out of Iraq after the government there declared victory over the Islamic State Group (ISIS), and more voters now agree that  America  and its allies have won that war.

February 7, 2018

Just 42% Think Russia Meddled More in 2016 Election Than FBI

Most voters are now unwilling to give the FBI a pass when it comes to playing politics in the last presidential election.

February 6, 2018

54% Support Harsher Penalties For Police Attacks

Several states are considering a law that would make an attack on law enforcement officers a hate crime, and most voters continue to support a so-called “Blue Lives Matter” law.

February 5, 2018

Most Want Citizenship for Dreamers – And A Wall

Most voters favor the immigration reform plan detailed by President Trump in his State of the Union speech and think it’s likely to finally produce a secure southern border.

February 5, 2018

Voters Forecast: More Division Ahead

The nation is better off economically than it has been in years, but most voters see America as an increasingly divided land with worse still to come.

February 1, 2018

51% Still Agree Trump, Congress Should Work Together

Voters concede that opposition to President Trump’s agenda is politically motivated, but even after Trump’s conciliatory State of the Union speech, they’re slightly less convinced Congress should work with the president.

January 31, 2018

Voters Think Trump More Likely to Achieve Speech Goals Than Most Presidents

Most voters don’t generally have faith that the promises made in the president’s State of the Union address will be accomplished, but they think Trump has a better chance than most of keeping his promises.

Willrow Hood / Shutterstock.com
January 30, 2018

Most Likely To Follow Trump’s State of the Union – and Democratic Response

President Trump should have a sizable audience for his State of the Union speech tonight, but more voters than usual say they are likely to tune in to the official Democratic response as well.

January 29, 2018

Voters Less Wary of Government, Big Business Ties

While a majority of voters continue to be skeptical of big business and its ties to government, that number is down significantly from previous surveys.

January 25, 2018

Voters See Economic, Not Personal Impact From Shutdown

Nearly half of voters think the recent government shutdown will have a negative impact on the economy, but few believe it will affect their personal lives.