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June 5, 2018

Most Military Voters See Trump As Stronger Commander Than Recent Presidents

As far as most active duty military personnel and veterans are concerned, President Trump is stronger than most recent presidents. A sizable majority of all voters agree that Trump pushes America first harder than his predecessors.

June 4, 2018

67% Say Trump More Aggressive Handling Trade Than Past Presidents

The Trump administration last week imposed tariffs on metals imported from Canada, Mexico and the European Union. Voters are divided about President Trump’s handling of trade issues, but they’re certain that he's more aggressive in this area than his predecessors.

June 1, 2018

Nuclear Fears Fall, But Democrats More Scared of North Korean Threat

With a summit meeting between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un seemingly back on track, voter worries about a nuclear attack from North Korea continue to fade. But Democrats still fear the president is making things worse.

May 30, 2018

Most Voters Want A Minimum Marriage Age

Delaware recently became the first state in the nation to fully ban child marriage for all minors, and a similar bill is about to get a vote in the New Jersey State Assembly. Most voters think there should be a legal minimum age for marriage on a national scale, and most think that age should outlaw marriage for minors.

May 29, 2018

72% Say Congress Spends Too Much Time on Vacation

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is considering cancelling the Senate's month-long August recess in order to get more work done. If there’s one thing Republicans and Democrats can agree on, it’s that Congress spends too much time away from Capitol Hill.

May 24, 2018

Most GOP Voters Say Feds Very Likely Broke the Law To Stop Trump

Most Republicans are now convinced that high-level federal law enforcement officials tried illegally to stop Donald Trump from being president.

May 24, 2018

Few See Pence As Better President Than Trump

President Trump may not be popular with a lot of voters, but not many of them think Vice President Mike Pence would be a suitable replacement.

May 23, 2018

34% Say Trump Not Aggressive Enough In Dealing with MS-13

As President Trump holds a forum on Long Island about the MS-13 street gang, most voters see the notorious gang as a serious problem and don’t believe he is being too aggressive in dealing with the issue.

Jonathan Weiss / Shutterstock.com
May 22, 2018

34% Favor Ban on Federal Funds for Abortion

Voters still view Planned Parenthood favorably and aren’t overly supportive of the Trump administration’s new ban on taxpayer funding of abortion.

May 21, 2018

Democrats Miss Obama. Republicans, Not So Much.

A majority of voters have a favorable impression of former President Barack Obama, but do they miss him? Democrats do, but Republicans haven’t looked back.

May 17, 2018

51% Support U.S. Recognizing Jerusalem as Capital of Israel

As the Israelis and Palestinians clash along the Gaza Strip, voters feel much more strongly these days that the United States should recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

May 17, 2018

Most GOP Voters Say McCain Should Quit

Most Republicans now think Arizona Senator John McCain, their party's presidential nominee in 2008, should step down from the U.S. Senate.

Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com
May 16, 2018

Voters Think Trump Gaining Favor Among World Leaders

President Trump has dealt with many world leaders lately over his unprecedented upcoming summit with North Korea and his decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. Voters here are growing more optimistic about how world leaders view the president.

May 16, 2018

Is Trump-Bashing Backfiring on the Democrats?

Eighteen months after Election Day, many Democrats and their allies in Hollywood and the media continue to attack President Trump in an unprecedented fashion. But few voters think it will pay off for Trump’s opponents in the next election.

May 15, 2018

As Favorable Rating For CIA Goes Up, Support For Waterboarding Goes Down

As Gina Haspel seeks to become the next CIA director, the issue of whether waterboarding is a useful interrogation technique is back in the news. She has publicly spoken out against it, and it appears voters are less enthused with the controversial technique than they have been in previous surveys.

May 15, 2018

Voter Sentiment Shifting on U.S. Military Presence in South Korea, Western Europe

Though voters are less likely to say the U.S. military is overstretched, far fewer now oppose pulling troops out of South Korea, and more support withdrawing troops from Western Europe.

May 14, 2018

51% Now Think North Korea Likely to Slow or Stop Nuclear Weapons

Voters are growing more confident that President Trump is on track to disarm North Korea’s nukes.

May 14, 2018

47% Think Most Politicians Will Overcome Sex Abuse Allegations

Months after the #MeToo movement initially burst onto the scene, new allegations continue to surface against public figures like New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman who quickly resigned from office. But most voters still feel that sexual harassment is more a media phenomenon than a growing problem...

Ovidiu Hrubaru / Shutterstock.com
May 10, 2018

Trump Supporters Tip Their Hats to Kanye

Kanye West has been sparking controversy by speaking out in favor of President Trump and making provocative statements regarding politics and African-American history, and while most dismiss celebrities’ views on politics, he’s gained the favor of Trump supporters.

May 10, 2018

Voters Torn Over Whether Trump Too Aggressive or About Right With Iran

Following President Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran, few voters accuse him of a lack of aggressiveness with the Iranians, and more think he’s on the right course.