Maryland Senate: Mikulski (D) Holds Long Lead Over Wargotz (R)
Longtime Democratic Senator Barbara Mikulski looks safely on her way to reelection in Maryland, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state.
Longtime Democratic Senator Barbara Mikulski looks safely on her way to reelection in Maryland, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state.
Some political labels just keep on sticking.
Despite President Obama’s weekend visit to the state to boost the candidacy of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Republican Sharron Angle remains slightly ahead in Nevada’s U.S. Senate race - for the fourth survey in a row.
Republican challenger Ron Johnson receives over 50% support against incumbent Democrat Russ Feingold in the fourth consecutive survey of Wisconsin’s U.S. Senate race.
Republican prosecutor Susana Martinez again moves to a 10-point lead over Democratic Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish in the race to be New Mexico’s next governor.
Down to the wire, it’s Democrat Dan Malloy with just a three-point edge over Republican Thomas Foley in Connecticut’s gubernatorial race. It's the closest the contest has been this year.
Republican Nathan Deal holds a 10-point lead over Democrat Roy Barnes in Georgia’s gubernatorial race.
Americans overwhelmingly anticipate that the federal government will have to dramatically cut spending like France and Britain are doing now, and a sizable number suggest that even Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid may have to be on the cutting block.
Incumbent Republican Jim DeMint holds nearly a 40-point lead over Democratic challenger Alvin Greene in his bid for a second six-year term in the U.S. Senate.
Incumbent Democrat Martin O’Malley now holds a 10-point lead over Republican challenger Bob Ehrlich in his bid for reelection in Maryland.
Don’t let the Tea Party fool you. A lot of voters are skeptical of the two major political parties, but most aren’t ready for a third party yet.
A majority of voters continue to favor repeal of the new national health care law, and the number who sees this outcome as likely has reached a new high.
State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal again holds a double-digit lead over Republican opponent Linda McMahon in Connecticut’s U.S. Senate race.
Republican Tom Corbett now only leads Democrat Dan Onorato by five points in Pennsylvania’s gubernatorial race. That’s the closest this race has been since early February.
Republican Dan Coats looks well on his way to returning to the U.S. Senate from Indiana and moving the seat over to the GOP column in the process.
North Dakota's popular Republican Governor John Hoeven now holds a near three-to-one lead over Democrat Tracy Potter in the state’s U.S. Senate race. A win by Hoeven will shift the seat now held by retiring Democratic Senator Byron Dorgan to the Republican column for the first time in 25 years.
An overwhelming 73% of voters in Illinois blame the budget crisis in the state on politicians’ unwillingness to reduce government spending.
Incumbent Republican Rick Perry holds an eight-point lead on Democratic challenger Bill White in the Texas governor’s race with less than two weeks to go until Election Day.
Democrat Jerry Brown remains slightly ahead of Republican Meg Whitman in California’s gubernatorial race.
Republican Lieutenant Governor Dennis Daugaard continues to hold a sizable lead on Democrat Scott Heidepriem in the South Dakota governor’s race.