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Commentary By Brian Joondeph

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May 18, 2020

Polling Data the Media Doesn’t Want You to See By Brian C. Joondeph

Polls are designed to reflect the opinions of a group of people at a moment in time. A small sample of individuals is asked for its opinion regarding a particular issue, and hopefully this small sample is representative of the larger population.

April 6, 2020

Has President Trump Risen to the Challenge? Ask the Polls By Brian C. Joondeph

Some say adversity creates character, but in reality adversity reveals character. At the highest levels of leadership, today’s challenges are massive with economies and lives riding on every decision. These are not the times that make great leaders but instead reveal them.

Editorial credit: Andrew Cline / Shutterstock.com
February 20, 2020

Walk On The Wild Side – Attending A Bernie Sanders Rally By Brian C. Joondeph

Bernie Sanders came to Denver last weekend, and my family, Republicans all, decided to attend his Sunday night rally. It was a true walk on the wild side in the form of opposition research.

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January 23, 2020

POTUS Popping in the Polls By Brian C. Joondeph

Watch cable news, particularly CNN or MSNBC, and hear how the “walls are closing in” on President Trump. Impeachment is underway, a solemn and sober process, celebrated by House Speaker Pelosi handing out autographed pens during the impeachment article signing ceremony. One would think she was signing landmark legislation like the Civil Rights Act given the pomp and circumstance.

December 20, 2019

Deck the Polls with Boughs of Folly By Brian C. Joondeph

Christmas is rapidly approaching. Traditional Christmas carols have been replaced by insipid pop ballads played incessantly on “holiday” radio stations. As “Deck the Halls” is now politically incorrect with its reference to donning one’s gay apparel, I took some liberty with the song title to review recent opinion polls.

December 13, 2019

No, I Don’t Wish Trump Would Stop Tweeting By Brian C. Joondeph

When speaking to Republicans casually about news and politics, the conversation eventually winds its way to President Trump. The dialogue is typically civil, unlike when trying to talk to hard left Democrats about politics, which is about as satisfying as having a root canal.

December 6, 2019

Trump Turkey Trotted Over the Democrats By Brian C. Joondeph

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone. Hopefully everyone’s dinner table discussions were polite. Bloomberg News gave turkey eaters advice on how to keep Thanksgiving dinner civil. That’s the same Bloomberg News promising it won’t investigate presidential candidate Bloomberg or other Democrats.

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December 2, 2019

Why are Journalists so Humorless? By Brian C. Joondeph

Are humor and satire taught in journalism school? Apparently not, as President Donald Trump continues to reveal how media magpies are completely devoid of humor. They are the epitome of “Bah Humbug” from Ebenezer Scrooge in the upcoming Christmas season.

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November 12, 2019

The Election is Trump’s to Lose By Brian C. Joondeph

Election season is underway, with less than a year until the mother of all elections in November 2020. Will Americans vote to keep America great or toss 250 years of liberty and prosperity to the wind in favor of socialism? Is President Donald Trump headed to a second term or will the deep state establishment thwart his reelection at any cost?

October 21, 2019

Pollsters Push Sketchy Polls Again By Brian C. Joondeph

Pollsters are at it again, pushing sketchy polls, not to reflect public opinion, but to shape it. This is called propaganda, a popular tool for dictators who want to control the information flow from an all-powerful government to their subjects, the people.

October 8, 2019

Impeachment is Getting Boring By Brian C. Joondeph

If you watch cable or network news, all you hear about is impeachment. To the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC, it’s as if it already happened. Reps Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler speak as if it’s a foregone conclusion, and shed crocodile tears being “heartbroken and prayerful” over the process.

October 3, 2019

Trump and his Supporters are the Real Whistleblowers By Brian C. Joondeph

“Whistleblower” is the media’s word of the week. They still working tirelessly to overturn the 2016 election. Unfortunately, it’s the wrong word to describe the deep state operative accusing President Trump of “Collusion – Part Two,” namely conspiring with Ukraine to rig the 2020 election. Instead of whistleblower, the proper term is gossiper, as this person filed a complaint, likely written by others, about something he or she had been told, but had no firsthand knowledge of.

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September 24, 2019

Presidential Polling Propaganda By Brian C. Joondeph

According to the latest presidential opinion polls, the 2020 presidential election is over. Newsweek is giddy, reporting several days ago, “The latest Fox News poll about the 2020 election shows President Donald Trump losing to every Democratic frontrunner including Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.”

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September 14, 2019

Fake News, Fake Polls – CNN Edition By Brian C. Joondeph

It’s been a tough few weeks for CNN. Who knew pushing fake news could be so challenging?

August 25, 2019

Have Pollsters Learned Nothing Since the Last Election? By Brian C. Joondeph

While the moniker “fake news” is typically reserved for cable news and some of the more prominent newspapers in America, the term could also be applied to presidential polls. How many pollsters predicted Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 election by a landslide up to and including the day of the actual election?

August 23, 2019

Election 2020 – It’s the Crowds Stupid By Brian C. Joondeph

When Bill Clinton successfully unseated sitting President George HW Bush in 1992, Clinton’s campaign manager James Carville coined the phrase, “The economy, stupid” as a campaign theme.

July 31, 2019

Dems Rely on Phony Impeachment Polling By Brian C. Joondeph

Despite the embarrassing spectacle of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony where he finally learned about the report he supposedly created and wrote, Democrats are doubling down on stupid.

July 25, 2019

For Being Such An Idiot, Trump Is Pretty Smart By Brian Joondeph

We have been hearing now for four years, ever since that escalator ride at Trump Tower, how then-candidate, now President Trump is such an idiot. The media, Democrats and NeverTrumpers virtually in lockstep assured us that Trump would never be the Republican nominee. When he was, they doubled down promising that he would never be president. Nearly every so-called opinion poll confirmed their predictions.

June 21, 2019

Trump and the Latest Polls – Summertime Blues or More Fake News? By Brian C. Joondeph

Recent polls show President Trump in big trouble, likely to lose in a landslide to many of the 20-plus Democrat contenders. Once again, the media tells its dwindling audience how “the walls are closing in” on Trump and that no one likes him.

Should Trump supporters be worried? Or is this just the latest edition of the Fake News Gazette, courtesy of the Trump-loathing media?

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April 9, 2019

Trump is Popping in the Polls By Brian C. Joondeph

Watch most cable or network news shows and the message is clear --  President Donald Trump is unpopular, especially compared to the dozens of fresh faces attempting to challenge him for the White House in 2020. Some of the faces are not so fresh as three of the leading contenders -- Biden, Sanders, and Warren are septuagenarians.