Emmy Awards: Sheen & Fererra TV Fans' Pick to Win Top Comedy Nods
The Emmy awards will be announced on September 16, but if TV fans have their way, two-time nominee Charlie Sheen will win the Emmy for best actor in a comedy.
The Emmy awards will be announced on September 16, but if TV fans have their way, two-time nominee Charlie Sheen will win the Emmy for best actor in a comedy.
The NFL season is about to begin and fans of the sport see the New England Patriots as the team most likely to emerge as champions when the season comes to an end.
Most Americans (55%) now celebrate Labor Day as the unofficial end of summer. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 32% say they take the day to celebrate the contributions of workers in society.
It’s that time of year yet again! Time for parents to stock up on supplies, pack lunches and send their children off to one of the most dreaded days of the year—the first day of school.
Six percent (6%) of Americans rate the summer of 2007 as the best ever and another 53% said this summer was good or excellent.
Americans over 50 name television as the best way to get news and information in today’s world. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that adults under 40 name the Internet as the best source while 40-somethings are divided between those two worlds.
On this exciting new show, the contestant who can most accurately predict how the American public will respond to the most intriguing poll questions could walk away winning up to ten million dollars. Rasmussen Reports provides all polling data for the show. The show debuts on CBS Tuesday night, August 7, at 8:00 p.m. on each coast.
Americans are fairly upbeat about their own lives, but far more pessimistic when assessing the state of the nation.
As Barry Bonds closes in on the all-time major-league baseball home run record, 26% of all American adults are following news stories about the event at least Somewhat Closely.
Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick has been one of the more popular and exciting players in the National Football League, but his recent troubles involving his participation in a dog fighting ring has taken its toll.
Though avid Harry Potter fans are anxiously waiting for seventh and final release of the book series, most Americans don’t seem too interested in acquiring the next novel.
The Live Earth concert promoted by former Vice President Al Gore received plenty of media coverage and hype, but most Americans tuned out.
Most Americans plan to celebrate this Fourth of July with a big bang. Seventy-six percent (76%) say they’re likely to watch fireworks during the weekend, while just 22% won’t watch the sky sparkle.
A Rasmussen Reports midseason poll finds that baseball fans believe the Boston Red Sox are the favorite for the 2007 World Series.
Two-thirds of American adults (65%) at least occasionally rent movies for home viewing. Twenty-four percent (24%) say that they watch a movie at home at least once a week.
On Wednesday, President Bush is prepared to veto stem cell research legislation, the second time he has used the veto pen for that purpose.
Seventy percent (70%) of Americans say that being a father is the most important role for a man to fill in today’s world.
By a 57% to 35% margin, American adults believe that protecting children from indecency is more important than freedom of speech.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Americans say it is Somewhat or Very Likely that life exists on other planets. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 35% say life is Not Very Likely or Not at All Likely.
Pop diva Britney Spears and “The Simple Life” star Paris are both viewed unfavorably by 71% of American adults. Hilton, who was arrested for a DUI in September, is viewed favorably by a mere 12%, essentially unchanged from our previous survey.