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December 6, 2007

47% Consider This Holiday Season Joyous; 44% Find the Season Stressful

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…well, at least for a plurality of adults it is. According to the most recent Rasmussen Reports survey, 47% of Americans consider this holiday season joyous.

December 5, 2007

83% to Celebrate Christmas this Year, 61% Will Attend Religious Services

Eighty-three percent (83%) of Americans say they celebrate Christmas this year, while 3% say they celebrate Hanukkah and 3% will recognize the Winter Solstice. Last year 90% of Americans said they would celebrate Christmas.

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November 27, 2007

45% Have Started Holiday Shopping; 13% Have Finished

By the end of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, 45% of American adults had started their holiday shopping. That’s up from 27% earlier in the month.

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November 22, 2007

67% Prefer Merry Christmas while 26% Opt for Happy Holidays

As the holiday season begins, 67% of American adults like stores to use the phrase “Merry Christmas” in their seasonal advertising rather than “Happy Holidays.”

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November 21, 2007

86% Say They Have A Lot to be Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Most people are feeling the spirit of Thanksgiving this holiday, and 86% say they have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that only 8% disagreed and 6% were not sure.

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November 14, 2007

59% Say Hollywood Writers’ Strike Has No Impact on Their Lives

It’s been a little over two weeks since members of the Writers Guild of America have gone on strike. And although the strike has caused many shows to shut down production, 59% of adults say that the writer's strike has had no impact on their lives. Twenty-nine percent (29%) claim the strike has had a small impact, while 6% say it’s had a big impact.

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November 9, 2007

71% Have Favorable Opinion of U.S. Military

This Veterans Day, 71% of adults have a favorable opinion of the U.S. military. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 11% hold an unfavorable view while 18% who are not sure.

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November 8, 2007

27% Have Already Started Holiday Shopping

Some adults seem to be getting a head start on their holiday shopping this year. With about seven weeks left until Christmas, 27% say they’ve already begun shopping for the season. That figure includes 31% of women and 24% of men. Sixty-nine percent (69%) are waiting to get started--some until after Thanksgiving and some perhaps until the very last minute.

October 26, 2007

Boo! Only 18% Dressing Up for Halloween This Year

It’s that time of year again. It’s time for kids (and adults) to dress up in ghoulish garb, trick-or-treat and eat their favorite sweets

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October 24, 2007

71% Say Middle Schools Shouldn't Hand Out Birth Control Pills

King Middle School in Portland, Maine recently joined the small group of middle schools that distribute birth control pills to their students.

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October 24, 2007

Comedian Colbert Reaches Double Digits As Third-Party Candidate

Comedian Stephen Colbert is not a threat to win the presidency, but the odds are that that his satire will win plenty of laughs and maybe even some votes.

October 15, 2007

Fans Say A-Rod, Beckett Deserve MVP, Cy Young

Baseball fans have a clear preference as to who should win the year end Most Valuable Player and Cy Young Awards in the American League. However, in the National League the winners are far from clear cut.

October 13, 2007

53% Say Internet Has Been Good for Journalism

Newspaper circulation has been eroding, television audiences shrinking, and reporters sent looking for work. But, while mainstream journalists and their companies struggle with the realities of an online world, consumers of journalism are pleased with the results.

October 12, 2007

41% of Baseball Fans Expect Red Sox to Win World Series

Forty-one percent (41%) of baseball fans expect the Boston Red Sox to win their second World Series in four years this October.

October 9, 2007

36% Consider Columbus Day Nation's Least Important Holiday

October 11th is Columbus Day—the holiday honoring the anniversary of the October 12, 1492 arrival of Christopher Columbus to the Americas. A recent Rasmussen Reports survey found that only 11% declare Columbus Day as one of the nation’s most important holidays.

October 3, 2007

Fans Pick Red Sox to Win World Series

Twenty-three percent (23%) of Major League Baseball Fans expect the Boston Red Sox to win the 2007 edition of the World Series.

September 20, 2007

Fans See Red Sox, Yankees as Most Likely World Series Champions

Twenty-four percent (24%) of major league baseball fans believe the Boston Red Sox are going to win their second World Series title in just four years this season.

September 17, 2007

Emmy Update: TV Fans on Target with Top Actress Nods

The Emmy winners have officially been announced. Despite a couple of surprise winners from last night’s ceremony, TV fans were right on target for their choice for best actress in a comedy and a drama.

September 16, 2007

Google Challenge: 75% Expect Private Company Will Land Vehicle on Moon Within Five Years

Google (GOOG) is offering prizes totaling $30 million for a private company that can land a vehicle on the moon and transmit video back to earth within five years.

September 6, 2007

Fans Want Ugly Betty to Attract Emmy Award

With the Emmy Awards less than a week away, TV fans have selected their picks for best new drama and comedy of the year.