If it's in the News, it's in our Polls. Public opinion polling since 2003.


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March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Nearly half of Americans (48%) say they’ll wear green to honor the holiday, 20% will mark the occasion with a drink.

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March 7, 2008

54% Aware of Daylight Savings Time on Sunday

Daylight Savings Time takes place on Sunday at 2 a.m. A recent Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,000 adults found most (54%) adults were correctly able to identify that the time change occurs on March 9. Thirty-one percent (31%) weren’t sure when they needed to change their clocks.

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March 3, 2008

American Idol Fans Sing Praises to Judges

It’s no secret that American Idol continues to strike high notes with its ratings. Most recently, three nights of Idol beat out the Oscars in the ratings.

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February 29, 2008

17% Say the Boston Red Sox Will Win Another World Series

Baseball fans foresee another good year for the World Champion Boston Red Sox even before the start of Spring Training.

February 18, 2008

President’s Day Often Ignored, but Washington and Lincoln Still Legendary

Presidents’ Day can lay claim to being one of the nation’s oldest holidays, tracing its heritage all the way back to the late-eighteenth and early nineteenth century when people across the land celebrated the birthday of Revolutionary War Hero and the nation’s first President, George Washington.

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February 14, 2008

18% Dread Valentine’s Day

A recent Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 42% of adults are looking forward to Valentine’s Day while 18% are dreading it. Thirty-seven percent (37%) are neither dreading nor looking forward to February 14th.

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February 4, 2008

48% of Fans Wanted the Giants to Win the Super Bowl

Forty-eight percent (48%) of football fans got their wish on Sunday night when the New York Giants upset the undefeated New England Patriots in the Super Bowl.

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February 2, 2008

67% Think the Patriots Will Win the Super Bowl

A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found 67% of football fans believe Tom Brady and the New England Patriots will finish their perfect season with a Super Bowl ring this Sunday. Only 27% of fans think the Giants will break the Patriots’ win streak with a win, while 6% are not sure.

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January 25, 2008

75% Expect Alternative Fuel Cars Within a Decade

Seventy-five percent (75%) of American adults believe that the U.S. Auto Industry is at least somewhat likely to develop an automobile that runs on something other than gasoline in the next ten years.

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January 21, 2008

79% Have Favorable Opinion of Dr. Martin Luther King

Seventy-nine percent (79%) of Americans have a favorable opinion of Dr. Martin Luther King. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 15% offer an unfavorable opinion.

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January 18, 2008

51% Say Security More Important than Privacy

Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans say that Security is more important than privacy.

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January 15, 2008

After Two Months, 63% Still Say the Hollywood Writers’ Strike Has No Impact

It’s been more than two months since the Hollywood Writers’ Strike began and the majority of Americans are still feeling no impact in their own lives.

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January 10, 2008

Nearly Half of Adults Say It is Not Possible to Succeed in Business Today Without Using the Internet

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that 49% of adults say it is not possible to succeed in business today without using the internet. Thirty-one percent (31%) disagreed.

December 29, 2007

54% Say 2007 Was a Good Year Personally, Just 35% Say It a Good Year for USA

In terms of their own personal life, most Americans (54%) say that 2007 was either a good year, an excellent year, or one of the best years ever in their life.

December 25, 2007

90% To Celebrate Christmas

Ninety percent (90%) of American adults will celebrate Christmas in some form or another this holiday season.

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December 22, 2007

64% Say Holiday Season Should Focus More on Birth of Jesus

Sixty-four percent (64%) of adults say this holiday season should focus more on the birth of Jesus.

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December 21, 2007

Person of the Year: Democrats Would Have Picked Gore, Republicans Rice or Petraeus

Forty-two percent (42%) of American voters know that Vladimir Putin was selected as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 14% thought Al Gore won the award, 9% thought someone else was selected, and 35% were not sure.

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December 19, 2007

With Less Than a Week Until Christmas, Just 29% Have Finished Their Holiday Shopping

With less than one week left until Christmas, 69% of Americans say they’ve started their holiday shopping.

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December 11, 2007

25% Will Avoid Politics Like the Plague This Holiday Season

This holiday season as friends and family gather to celebrate, 25% of American adults say they will avoid political discussions like the plague.

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December 7, 2007

85% Say Parents Should Have Right to Spank Children, 30% Say Teachers Should Be Able to Spank Students

Eighty-five percent (85%) of American adults believe that parents should have the right to spank their children.