45% Say More Bond Movies Should Be Made
Bond’s back, and, as far as 45% of Americans are concerned, it’s a welcome return.
Bond’s back, and, as far as 45% of Americans are concerned, it’s a welcome return.
Seventy-nine percent (79%) of Americans have a favorable opinion of the U.S. military, and 45% regard Veterans Day as one of the nation’s most important holidays. The military’s favorability rating is up eight points from a Rasmussen Reports survey for Veterans Day a year ago.
The current economic problems have drastically reduced consumer spending, and holiday shopping is no exception. Most adults (66%) expect to spend less than last year on gifts this holiday season, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Thirty-nine percent (39%) of Americans believe it is at least somewhat likely that gasoline will drop below $2 per gallon before the end of the year, but nearly as many (33%) say it will cost over $4 a gallon by then, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Oil billionaire T. Boone Pickens has been campaigning nearly as hard this year as John McCain and Barack Obama, but his cause is to lessen America’s dependence on foreign oil through wind, solar power and vehicles powered by natural gas.
Boo! Halloween is just around the corner, and not just children are dressing up for the “spook-takular” holiday.
Madonna’s certainly no stranger to media coverage. Her highly publicized split with husband Guy Ritchie is the hottest show biz gossip going.
Despite skyrocketing gas prices over the past year, just 37% of Americans say they are more likely now to buy an energy-efficient hybrid car than they were 12 months ago. Over half (52%) say they are not more likely to buy one.
A day after the sixth and final Nobel Prize winner was announced, a plurality of Americans (40%) believe politics plays a role in deciding who is honored.
As the final four teams battle it out in October, fans have chosen which players should win the top honors this season in Major League Baseball.
Most baseball fans predict an American League team will prevail at the World Series this year, and over a third think that team will be the reigning champion Boston Red Sox.
Just over half of adults (52%) say they intend to receive a flu shot this year, up from 44% last year, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Fifty-four percent (54%) of Americans believe it is possible to drill offshore for oil without harming the environment, but nearly as many (48%) also acknowledge that there is a conflict between economic growth and environmental protection.
Now that autumn is officially upon us, the top weekend activity for most Americans is simply a long walk outside.
For younger people especially, text messaging is becoming as common or more common than talking on the cellphone, the latter already the bane of many stuck in heavy traffic. Many states and localities have already restricted cellphone usage in a car, and there's a growing call for limits on text messaging next.
Just over a week ago, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety issued a new report urging lawmakers to raise the legal driving age to 18. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 53% of adults nationwide think it's a good idea.
This year’s Emmy award nominees for best comedy and drama include old favorites and first-time nominees. But who fans want to win isn’t necessarily who they think will win.
With this year's Emmy Awards just a week away, TV fans already know who they think will win the top acting awards in dramas and comedies, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Doctors will tell you that regular exercise is a key to healthy living. A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that most adults say they heed their doctors’ advice.
In a speech in Dayton, Ohio last week, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama told the crowd the failure of Washington to act on education reform is putting our nation in jeopardy. John McCain asked his audience at the Republican National Convention what the value is of equal access to a failing public education system.