Most Agree That Being A Father Is A Man's Most Important Role
With Father's Day coming this weekend, the overwhelming majority of Americans remain quite clear that being a dad is serious business.
With Father's Day coming this weekend, the overwhelming majority of Americans remain quite clear that being a dad is serious business.
The feud between late-night talk show host David Letterman and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is no laughing matter. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telelphone survey finds that nearly two-thirds of American adults (64%) say it’s inappropriate for comedians like Letterman to joke about the children of public figures.
The vast majority of Americans drive to work, but even the threat of higher gas prices doesn’t seem to be encouraging them much to carpool, take public transportation or buy an energy-efficient hybrid car.
Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans say more government regulation of tobacco is at least somewhat likely to reduce the number of smokers in this country. That figure includes 18% who say it is very likely to do so.
The World Health Organization has now declared swine flu a pandemic, its highest global alert status, but Americans are much less concerned about the disease than they were when it first became public two months ago.The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 47% of Americans are at least somewhat concerned about the threat of swine flu, with just 16% very concerned.
Nearly one-out-of-three Americans (32%) say they have not filled a prescription because the cost was too high, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Children have been starring on television from Day One, but their presence on two reality shows - one already a hot hit, the other a hit in the making - have Americans wondering if the children are being taken advantage of.
Conan O'Brien officially replaces Jay Leno as host of NBC's "The Tonight Show" today, but Johnny Carson is still the king of late-night comedy.
You’re on time, but the airline isn’t.
That’s a frequent complaint from airline passengers, and Congress is being urged to put the airlines on official notice with a Passengers’ Bill of Rights that includes provisions for delayed takeoffs.
The number of Americans who plan to take a summer vacation has held steady from last year despite the worsening economy, but 58% of those vacation goers say economic conditions are forcing them to cut back on their holiday spending.
Most of us still think they’re out there.
Fifty-three percent (53%) of U.S. voters say it’s likely that intelligent life exists on other planets, including 28% who say it is Very Likely.
Most of us still think they’re out there.
Fifty-three percent (53%) of U.S. voters say it’s likely that intelligent life exists on other planets, including 28% who say it is Very Likely.
Forty-four percent (44%) of Americans say Memorial Day, which honors those who gave their lives for our country, is the one of the nation's most important holidays.
As the nation prepares to celebrate Memorial Day honoring those who lost their lives in military service, 75% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the U.S. military.
Will he or won’t he? And if he does, will it matter?
Season eight of "American Idol" is over, and like nearly every other week of our ‘Idol’ Prediction Challenge, the majority of predictors called it wrong.
Voters continue to be big supporters of NASA and the manned space program, but they’re a little less sure about the value of the Hubble Space Telescope, the subject of a high-profile astronaut repair job completed on Tuesday.
Tonight's the night, and our predictors are calling it close for the final two contestants on "American Idol."
Sixty-nine percent (69%) of American adults say a college degree is still a good financial investment in today’s economic environment.
U.S. Catholics are evenly divided over whether the church should change its policy of centuries and allow priests to marry.