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September 17, 2010

Top 5 NFL Team Coverage

New Media Meter Measures NFL Team Coverage

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September 16, 2010

71% Favor Jailing Sex Offenders Indefinitely If Necessary

Seventy-one percent (71%) of Americans say corrections systems should be allowed to hold sex offenders indefinitely if they believe the offender will strike again, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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September 9, 2010

Top 5 Baseball Team Coverage

New Media Meter measures media coverage of baseball teams.

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September 6, 2010

Just 15% Declare Labor Day One of Nation’s Most Important Holidays

It’s Labor Day, but, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey, just 15% of Americans rate it as one of the nation’s most important holidays.

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September 5, 2010

Reading, Board Games Still Most Popular Summer Activities

Summer is almost over and according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey, reading and playing games continues to be the most popular activities of the summer.

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September 4, 2010

52% Celebrate Labor Day as Unofficial End of Summer

When it comes to celebrating Labor Day, 52% consider the holiday as the unofficial end of the summer. A third (32%), however, actually celebrate it to honor workers, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey.

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September 3, 2010

76% of Adult Egg Consumers Are Not Cutting Down Because of Recall

Following a nationwide FDA recall on eggs, only 19% of Americans who eat eggs at least once a month say the recent recall has caused them to cut down on the amount of eggs they normally eat.

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September 2, 2010

70% in New Jersey Say “Jersey Shore” Negatively Impacts State’s Image

Here’s ‘The Situation’: New Jersey voters think the MTV hit “Jersey Shore” shows their home state in a negative light.

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September 2, 2010

20% Say News of Bedbugs Has Caused Them to Change Their Plans

One out of five Americans (20%) says that recent news about bedbug infestations have caused them to change their plans to go to certain public places.

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August 31, 2010

37% Say Government Does Less Than Adequate Job Ensuring Restaurants are Clean and Sanitary

American adults are almost evenly divided about how well the government regulates cleanliness standards in places that serve food.

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August 31, 2010

Moviegoers Pick “Inception,” “Toy Story 3” as Summer’s Best Films

So which summer film was your favorite? Adults who go to the movies at least once a month have placed their votes and selected “Inception” and “Toy Story 3” as this summer’s best flicks.

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August 29, 2010

Viewers Pick 'Glee,' 'The Good Wife' for Top Emmy Honors

So who do you hope wins at tonight's Emmy Awards? Rasmussen Reports asked Americans their favorites, and here are the names they put in the envelopes.

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August 27, 2010

35% Say They’re Overweight

Obesity continues to be a serious problem in this country, but the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 35% of Americans think they are overweight. That's down six points from July of last year.

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August 24, 2010

79% Trust Their Doctor

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that an overwhelming majority (79%) of Americans say they trust their doctor. Just eight percent (8%) do not, and 12% more are not sure.

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August 23, 2010

75% Say They Have Returned A Lost Wallet

Most Americans say they have returned a lost wallet that they've found, but less than half as many have been on the receiving end of such honesty.

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August 22, 2010

Colts, Cowboys Top Picks for Super Bowl

As football season draws near, NFL fans pick the Indianapolis Colts and the Dallas Cowboys as the teams most likely to win Super Bowl XLV.

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August 20, 2010

52% Believe Americans are Basically Honest

It's often said that honesty is the best policy, and most Americans think their fellow countrymen follow that ideal.

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August 20, 2010

52% Concerned About Safety of Vaccines

Vaccinations are common requirements for children all over the country in order to attend public school and college. However, half of American adults (52%) say they are concerned about the safety of vaccinations for children, including 27% who are Very Concerned.

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August 19, 2010

57% Say Economy Has Caused Family Stress

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 57% of Americans say the current state of the economy is causing more stress in their families. Thirty-five percent (35%) disagree.

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August 18, 2010

44% Say Teachers Should Not Be Paid For Summer Vacation

While most Americans still believe public school teachers aren't paid enough, a sizable number don’t think they should be paid when school is out for the summer.