28% Say There Are Too Many Federal Holidays
Ask Americans about the number of federal holidays, and the answer is – enough is enough.
Ask Americans about the number of federal holidays, and the answer is – enough is enough.
Although many Americans today rely on electronic forms of communication, they still believe there is a need for the U.S. Postal Service. But they're okay with cutting back snail mail delivery to five days a week.
It happens every February 14, but still seems to catch many people by surprise.
The day of love is just around the corner and the latest Rasmussen Reports survey reveals that what the the majority (68%) of American Adults would like most is to dine with someone special for Valentine’s Day.
The debate rages as it has for decades whether there really is a constitutionally mandated separation of church and state, but most Americans don’t seem to mind mixing prayer and public education.
Maybe it's the doughnuts that make the difference. While Americans are more likely to buy their coffee at Starbucks, they like Dunkin' Donuts better.
Oh, say can you see … uh, what comes after that?
Nearly half of Americans plan to celebrate Black History Month to honor the role of African-Americans in U.S. history, but most adults don't think it should be used as a model for other major racial and ethnic groups in the country.
Governors of several major states in an effort to improve lagging student performance are seeking ways to get rid of poor teachers by weakening or eliminating longstanding teacher tenure policies. Most Americans agree that it’s too difficult right now to get poor teachers out of the classroom.
Waistlines, watch out! The Girl Scouts have started selling their cookies again this year.
After weeks of hype, the big day is finally here. The Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers will face off in Cowboys Stadium, and most Americans will be watching.
If you’re a sports fan, you’ve likely heard the slogan “Offense sells tickets, but defense wins championships.” But viewers of this Sunday’s Super Bowl aren’t letting this claim impact their predictions. In fact, they’re predicting a loss for the team they think has the better defense and a better coach.
One-out-of-three Super Bowl viewers think the commercials are better than the game.
Most Americans believe movies have a negative impact on society and lead to an increase in violence.
Most Americans hold 92-year-old Nelson Mandela in high regard as the iconic South African leader recovers from a respiratory infection that put him in the hospital last week.
Americans are having a little more fun behind the wheel these days.
Most Americans seldom, if ever, darken the door of a movie theater these days, but plenty of them are watching movies at home.
Burger battle? Is that like a food fight?
Americans are still not rushing out to eat these days, and a good meal at home remains their preferred option.