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November 28, 2018

Little Enthusiasm for Cloning Loved Ones

A Chinese scientist claims to have created the world’s first gene-edited twins, altering their genes to theoretically be resistant to HIV infection. Naturally, the news has sparked a moral debate about cloning and genetic modification. Few Americans would want to clone a loved one themselves and think the whole process overall needs government regulation.

November 23, 2018

38% Will Be Hitting the Stores Today for Black Friday

Despite the frenzy over Black Friday deals, most Americans are staying home.

November 22, 2018

Most Are Spending Thanksgiving at Home This Year

Many still see Thanksgiving as an important holiday, but it’s one they like to spend in the comfort of their own home.

November 19, 2018

Americans Are Getting A Head Start on Holiday Shopping

Americans aren’t waiting for Thanksgiving to be done to start their holiday shopping, and a growing number say they plan on opening their wallets wider this year than in years past.

Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com
November 16, 2018

Marvel Comics’ Stan Lee Remembered Fondly

The beloved head of Marvel Comics, Stan Lee, died this week at 95, leaving behind a long legacy, including fan-favorite character, Spider-Man, among many others.

November 15, 2018

Few Consider Spanking Child Abuse

The American Academy of Pediatrics this week announced a new policy statement strongly against spanking children, citing studies that find it is both ineffective as a punishment and potentially harmful in the long term. But adults don’t agree, and very few would go as far as to consider it child abuse.

November 13, 2018

Americans Don't See a Better Future for Children

Despite the positive turn in the economy and job market over the last two years, faith in our children’s future has waned.

November 9, 2018

Americans Salute Military Service This Veterans Day

Veterans Day, a federal holiday honoring those who have served in the U.S. military, is this Sunday, and many Americans rank it as one of the nation’s most significant days.

November 1, 2018

More Now Favor the Death Penalty

President Trump has long been calling for more use of the death penalty, and as prosecutors are now seeking the death penalty for accused Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers, more Americans agree with the president’s call to action, though they’d like to see it carried out more quickly.

November 1, 2018

Many Believe Media Coverage of Shootings Inspires More Violence

Following the most recent mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Americans still worry the media’s coverage of such violence inspires copycats.

October 31, 2018

Americans Agree Halloween is For All

While it may not rank high in importance, Halloween’s not just for kids anymore.

October 26, 2018

Americans Oppose Third Gender Option on IDs

Canada last year became the 10th country to allow residents to choose a gender option other than male or female on their passports, but most Americans agree with the Trump administration’s current consideration of limiting the definition of gender strictly to biology and oppose a third gender option on legal documents in this country.

October 23, 2018

More Parents Feel Bullying Is Schools' Responsibility, Not Theirs

Many Americans continue to feel the impact of bullying but now are more convinced that schools rather than parents need to do something about it.

October 18, 2018

Despite Bankruptcy, Americans Still Like Sears

Sears joins a growing list of retail giants to file for bankruptcy, as Americans continue to gravitate to online shopping outlets such as Amazon. Still, most Americans like Sears and have purchased an item from the department store at some point in their lives.

October 16, 2018

Few Faced the Flu, But Still Plan to Vaccinate

Flu season didn’t hit too many Americans last winter, but nonetheless, most still plan to get a flu shot this year.

October 9, 2018

Nearly Half Favor Student Depression Screenings

Schools in New Jersey may soon be required to screen all middle and high school students for depression, and with teen suicide rate climbing, many think that’s a good idea.

October 4, 2018

More Than One-in-Four Have Lost Someone to Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and more than a quarter of Americans have lost someone to the disease.

October 1, 2018

Few Think Social Media Sites Can Edit Themselves in An Unbiased Way

Americans agree that social media sites need to do a better job of separating fact from opinion in their feeds but have very little confidence that they'll do it fairly.

September 25, 2018

Americans Say 'No' to 'Pot' and 'Stoner'

The newly legalized marijuana industry in California is trying to discourage the use of terms like “pot” and “stoner” because they think they carry a negative connotation, and even pot smokers tend to agree.

September 18, 2018

Nearly Half of Adults Have Gone a Week Without Cash

Some southern California businesses have announced plans to go cashless, but the use of cash probably isn’t going away anytime soon, even though nearly half of adults still say they’ve gone a week without it - and that number’s even higher among younger adults.