It’s Christmas Time In America
Christmas remains the top holiday for most Americans.
Christmas remains the top holiday for most Americans.
More Americans will be at religious services this holiday season.
‘Tis the day before Christmas, and Americans are still shopping at a record pace.
Congress and the president earlier this month scrapped the national education dictates of George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind law and returned control of school standards to states and localities. This is expected to lessen the focus on standardized testing. Americans, especially those with school-age children, approve.
Many Americans will be traveling this holiday season, but twice as many will be hosting loved ones.
Christmas cheer is spreading more than ever this holiday season.
Americans continue to strongly support the celebration of Christmas in public schools, places that most already believe lack enough religion.
Americans are putting a lot more stock in religion this Christmas season.
Americans are embracing the holiday season this year and are in the giving spirit.
Following another week of high-profile mass murders, Americans are more convinced than ever that media coverage of such tragedies inspires others to commit violence.
All I want for Christmas is - my very own drone?
One-in-five American Adults (19%) say they or an immediate family member is at least somewhat likely to purchase an unmanned drone for personal use in the next year, including 11% who say they are Very Likely to do so. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 78% are unlikely to purchase a drone in the near future, with 56% who say that is Not At All Likely to happen.
More Americans will be home this year for Thanksgiving, a holiday they still attach a lot of importance to.
Americans will have their eyes open this Thanksgiving holiday with the threat of terrorism in the air. A lot fewer plan to travel, too.
One-in-three Americans plan on braving the crowds of holiday shoppers this Friday, but a sizable number still hopes to spend less on gifts this holiday season.
Americans are shopping at a faster pace this holiday season than they have in the past several years.
In Rasmussen Reports’ first look at the 2015 holiday season, 43% of American Adults say they have started their gift shopping. Fifty-four percent (54%) have not.
Americans agree on the importance of sleep, but a sizable number say they don't get enough of it.
The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed banning smoking in all of the nation’s 1.2 million public housing units. Voters like the idea but seriously doubt that it will work.
Most Americans still think college sports programs are too powerful and a bad influence on institutions of higher learning.
Local crime remains a problem for most Americans who also feel that local cops aren't aggressive enough in dealing with it.