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March 9, 2016

Americans Are Angry About Politics But Not at Each Other

Americans are very angry politically as the surprising success of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders clearly indicates, but fortunately they're not taking that anger out on their family and friends.

March 2, 2016

Are Americans Honest at Tax Time?

Americans don't consider their fellow countrymen an overly honest group, but they think most play fair when it comes to their taxes.

February 26, 2016

Oscars Controversy Has Little Impact on Viewing Audience

This Sunday’s 88th Academy Awards are marred by controversy over a lack of diversity among the nominees, but viewers don't seem to mind.

Neirfy / Shutterstock.com
February 19, 2016

Is Apple Right To Challenge The FBI?

Voters disagree with Apple’s decision to challenge a federal court order to unlock an iPhone used by one of the attackers in the San Bernardino, California terrorist massacre, with even more continuing to say preventing terrorism is more important than protecting Americans’ privacy.

February 15, 2016

Americans OK With – But Not Excited About – Presidents’ Day

Americans don’t rate Presidents’ Day too highly on their list of federal holidays, but most think the number of holidays celebrated by the federal government is about right.

February 4, 2016

Is Life in America's Prisons Too Hard?

President Obama's recent executive actions on solitary confinement and the treatment of mentally ill prisoners are the latest efforts in a bipartisan push to reform the country’s prison system. While most Americans agree that too many people are incarcerated, many also feel conditions in America's prisons today aren't tough enough.

February 3, 2016

Americans Aren’t Overly Worried About Zika Virus

The World Health Organization this week officially declared a public health emergency in response to the rapidly spreading Zika virus in Latin America. While a majority of Americans show some concern about the virus, they also think the media overhypes such outbreaks.

January 26, 2016

Is It Good or Bad That Most Teachers Are In Unions?

Detroit public school teachers are taking "sick-outs" in huge numbers in part to protest their pay, causing school shutdowns throughout the city and illustrating the power of public employee unions. Most Americans still agree that teachers are underpaid and have a slightly more positive view of teachers' unions these days.

January 25, 2016

Benghazi Movie Is Much Hotter Ticket for GOPers Than For Democrats

The names Obama and Clinton never appear in “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi,” but Republicans are still twice as likely as Democrats to have the new movie on their viewing list. The film details the on-the-ground circumstances surrounding the murder of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya on September 11-12, 2012, while Hillary Clinton was secretary of State.

January 20, 2016

How's Your Drinking Water?

While the residents of Flint, Michigan deal with the repercussions of lead-contaminated drinking water, the vast majority of Americans still consider their home water supply quite dependable.

January 19, 2016

50% Say Race Relations in America Getting Worse

Confidence in race relations in America continues to fall, with hopes for the future at their lowest level yet.

Atomazul / Shutterstock.com
January 18, 2016

Most Say MLK’s Dream Still Unfulfilled

Views of Martin Luther King Jr. Day haven’t changed, but even after seven years of having the first black president in office, Americans are more dubious than ever that King’s dream of equal opportunity has been achieved. Blacks are the most skeptical.

January 15, 2016

Did You Buy A Powerball Ticket?

Half of Americans intended to get in on this week’s unprecedented $1.6 billion Powerball jackpot even though very few know someone who has ever won a big lottery.

Lenscap Photography / Shutterstock.com
January 14, 2016

Most Americans View Bowie Favorably

Ground Control to Major Tom: Most Americans are sorry you're gone.

January 7, 2016

38% of Adults Under 40 Have A Tattoo

Tattoos are certainly more commonplace in society, but are they becoming completely acceptable?

January 4, 2016

Most Americans Like the Look of 2016

Americans are more disappointed with last year than they expected to be but are more confident about 2016.

January 1, 2016

Happy New Year

It’s officially 2016, but Americans still don't place too much importance on New Year’s Day.

December 31, 2015

Americans Aren’t Big on New Year’s Resolutions

Many Americans aren’t starting off 2016 on a new foot, but those who are plan to stick with it.

December 31, 2015

Most Will Greet 2016 With A Kiss

Americans are slightly more inclined to spend this New Year’s Eve at home, but they plan to welcome the new year just the same as always.

December 28, 2015

Use of Postal Service Up Again This Holiday Season

Americans used the U.S. Postal Service more this holiday season and continue to give the quasi-governmental agency better marks than its private competitors for the way it handles their packages.