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September 29, 2016

Is Mob Violence After Police Shootings About Race or Law and Order?

Americans are evenly divided as to whether the mob violence that has followed police shootings in recent years is a crime or a cry for justice, but most agree that it only makes the criminal justice situation worse.

September 28, 2016

Americans Remember Arnold Palmer Fondly

Americans have a warm spot in their hearts for Arnold Palmer, "the King of Golf," who passed away this past weekend at age 87.

September 21, 2016

Americans Oppose Trend Toward Black-Only Dorms

San Francisco State University is the latest school to begin offering “black-focused” dormitories for black students, but most Americans, black Americans included, oppose this trend and fear it could mark a return to segregation policies of pre-Civil Rights America.

September 14, 2016

Is No Homework the Way to Go?

In hopes of improving student performance, some elementary and secondary schools are adopting a no-homework policy, coupled with extending the school day to allow time to finish all work in class. But most parents aren't sure that's the way to go.

September 7, 2016

Most Think Americans Watch Too Much TV

Do you watch too much TV? Your fellow Americans seem to think so.

September 5, 2016

Do Americans Remember the ‘Labor’ in Labor Day?

For half of Americans, summer’s over now 'cause it’s Labor Day.

September 1, 2016

Most Plan To Tune In To NFL This Season

The National Football League’s regular season officially kicks off a week from tonight in Denver, and most Americans say they’ll tune in to at least some of the games this season. Fewer adults have been catching the preseason games.

August 31, 2016

Americans On the Fence Over Punishing Kaepernick for Anthem Incident

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick quickly grabbed headlines when he refused to stand for "The Star Spangled Banner" before last week’s game, citing racial and police brutality issues in America as the reason. He’s yet to receive any punishment from the team or the NFL, and Americans aren’t sure he should.

August 25, 2016

Americans Praise Park Service, Rate Number of Parks As Right

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service, a system signed in to law by President Woodrow Wilson and frequently hailed as “America’s best idea.” Most Americans have a favorable opinion of the agency and are fine with the number of national parks in the country.

August 24, 2016

Few Are Ready for Uber's Self-Driving Cars

Uber has announced that it is launching a test program of driverless cars in Pittsburgh, but Americans are just as reluctant to take a self-driving car service as using one for their personal vehicle.

August 24, 2016

Did The Olympics Damage America's Image?

The U.S. Olympic team left Rio de Janeiro with more medals than any other team, but it wasn’t without controversy. Despite some bad behavior from members of the men’s swim team, most Americans who watched the Summer Olympics believe they were good for the United States’ image abroad.

August 19, 2016

Parents Give Their Kids’ Schools High Marks

Americans remain critical of U.S. public schools in general, but parents are more positive than ever about the performance of their children’s schools.

August 18, 2016

Most Want Schools to Open After Labor Day

More and more schools around the country are starting classes before Labor Day, but most Americans think they should hold off a bit.

August 17, 2016

Americans Report Paying More For Health Care Compared to Five Years Ago

While most Americans say their personal health hasn’t changed much over the past five years, most say they’re paying more for health care than they were five years ago.

August 4, 2016

Few Americans Think Complete E-Mail Privacy is Still Possible

Americans are pretty avid e-mail users, but they accept that their e-mail communications will likely never be completely private.

August 3, 2016

How Does America Feel About the Baby Boom Generation?

The generation known as the Baby Boomers has again produced the two major party presidential candidates, even as most of them are heading into retirement.

August 1, 2016

Americans Disagree With Decision to Release Reagan Shooter

A federal judge last week ordered that John W. Hinckley Jr. who shot President Ronald Reagan and three others in 1981 be released from a government psychiatric hospital and allowed to live with his elderly mother in Virginia. Most Americans don't approve of the judge’s decision. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

July 27, 2016

42% Suspect Most Countries Don't Play by Olympic Rules

The summer Olympics are just over a week away, and Americans are gearing up to watch even though they suspect many of the participating countries are cheating.

July 25, 2016

Users Strongly Reject Censorship on Facebook, Twitter

Political conservatives have charged in recent months that major social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are censoring their points of view. Regular users of those sites, especially those under the age of 40, strongly disagree with any attempts to close down free speech.

July 20, 2016

Is Pokémon Go Dangerous?

Anyone who’s been outside lately has likely seen the effects of Pokémon Go, the new reality-integrated game sweeping the world. Players use their smartphones to capture Pokémon characters in the real world and train them as in the original Nintendo video games, but not everyone is on board with the latest gaming trend.