Most Americans Wild for Walmart
A Rasmussen Reports survey conducted on June 28, 2006 found that 69% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Walmart, including 29% who have a very favorable opinion of the retail giant.
A Rasmussen Reports survey conducted on June 28, 2006 found that 69% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Walmart, including 29% who have a very favorable opinion of the retail giant.
Despite a high level of media coverage for the World Cup soccer tournament, three-fourths of Americans (78%) are not following the action very closely if at all.
The curtain has closed for Dan Rather at CBS. The network announced on Tuesday that they are parting ways with Rather after nearly 45 years together.
Forty-four percent (44%) of Americans believe that, in ten years, most new cars sold will be hybrid vehicles using both a traditional motor and an electric engine.
Fans of “The Sopranos” are evenly divided as to whether the HBO hit series accurately depicts the lifestyles of those in Organized Crime.
Americans aren't champing at the bit to go to Europe. But many have plans to travel to Canada, or are at least thinking about it.
Two-out-of-three Americans (68%) rate their own life as good or excellent. A Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,204 Adults conducted May 18, 2006 found that 22% rate their own life as fair while 9% say poor.
In the digital era, is it possible that books are still number 1?
The American Idol phenomenon hit a new peak this week as sales for the Season Five Encore Anthology hit 154,000 in the first week.
As hurricane season begins, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is optimistic.
Often seen as the unofficial beginning of summer and a convenient occasion for travel and get-togethers, the holiday also has a more significant meaning for many Americans—often a deeply personal one.
The calendar may say that summer comes in June, but 65% of Americans say that Memorial Day marks the unofficial beginning of the summer season.
The DaVinci Code attracted demonstrations during filming, overcame legal efforts aimed at preventing its distribution, and was condemned by many for distorting the story of Jesus.
Barry Bonds hit major league home-run number 714 over the weekend, but only 41% of baseball fans believe he should be allowed in the Hall of Fame.
On Mother's Day 2006, 67% of American adults believe that "being a Mother [is] the most important role for a woman to fill in today’s world." Just 19% disagree.
Fifty-five percent (55%) of Americans say they are better off today than they were four years ago. A Rasmussen Reports national opinion poll of 5,000 adults found that 36% disagree and say they are not better off.
Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans look forward to this day, 19% dread it, and 32% have neither reaction.
Two-thirds (66%) of Americans will watch the Super Bowl today and 51% expect the Pittsburgh Steelers to emerge victorious. Thirty percent (30%) expect the Seattle Seahawks to win.
Fifty-three percent (53%) of voters say that they pray every day or nearly every day. A Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,000 Likely Voters found that another 15% pray several times a week.
Just one-out-of-eight voters (12%) say they rarely or never pray.