Easing Financial Strain Encourages San Francisco Workers
Ending a five month skid, the Hudson Employment Index (SM) for San Francisco rose 2.5 points to 90.9 in November. Less concern around finances and job security triggered the up-tick.
Ending a five month skid, the Hudson Employment Index (SM) for San Francisco rose 2.5 points to 90.9 in November. Less concern around finances and job security triggered the up-tick.
Workers in Texas were less confident in November, as the state’s Hudson Employment Index(SM) plummeted 14 points to 109.1. Less expected hiring and more layoffs drove the fall. The latest reading is also substantially lower than last November’s Index of 120.1.
After recovering in October, worker confidence in Florida plunged in November, as the state’s Hudson Employment Index(SM) fell 8.5 points to 96.5. An increase in expected layoffs and worsened financial sentiments drove the decline.
Worker confidence hit a record low in Philadelphia, as the city’s Hudson Employment Index(SM) plummeted 11 points to 82.1. Concerns around hiring and personal finances contributed to the drop. The city’s latest monthly measure of worker sentiment is 5.5 points lower than last November’s 87.6.
The Hudson Employment Index(SM) for New York City slipped 1.2 points to 91.8 in November. Less expected hiring and more layoffs triggered the decline. Despite the dip, NYC’s latest measure of worker confidence is well above last November’s 83.5.
After several months of steady increases, worker confidence in Chicago plummeted in November. The city’s Hudson Employment Index(SM) fell 16.6 points to 80.8. The Windy City’s latest measure of worker confidence is dramatically lower than last November’s 99.6. The national Index, based on responses from approximately 9,000 workers, plunged 8.9 points to 91.9, the lowest reading on record.
The Hudson Employment Index (SM) for Los Angeles fell 5.9 points to 88.4 in November, the lowest reading on record for this market. Concerns about job cuts and finances contributed to the decline.
The Hudson Employment Index(SM) for Atlanta fell in November, dropping 8.3 points to 100.4. An increase in anticipated layoffs coupled with worry over job loss drove the decline. The city’s latest reading of worker sentiment is almost 15 points lower than last November’s Index of 115.0.
The Hudson Employment Index(SM) for healthcare workers reached a record low, as it declined 14.5 points to 90.2 in November. Growing concerns over job security and finances contributed to this decline.
Confidence among manufacturing workers declined in November, as the sector’s Hudson Employment Index(SM) fell 4.8 points to 83.0. Increased financial concerns and less job security were offset by increased hiring expectations.
Legal workers felt less confident in November, as the groups’ Hudson Employment Index(SM) fell 1.2 points to 103.6. Growing financial concerns played a part in this decline, despite more expected hiring and greater job security. The latest reading is 12.6 points lower than a year ago, when it came in at 116.2. The composite Index , based on responses from approximately 9,000 workers across all sectors, also fell 8.9 points in November to a record low of 91.9.
After two consecutive months of increases, the Hudson Employment Index (SM) for California workers plunged 13.9 points to 94.5 in November.
IT workers felt less confident in November, as the group’s Hudson Employment Index(SM) slipped 8.2 points to 103.5. Financial concerns and a weaker sense of job security contributed to the decline. The latest reading is 12.6 points lower than a year ago, when it came in at 115.8.
Worker confidence deteriorated among both African-American and Hispanic workers in November. The monthly Hudson Employment Index(SM) for African Americans fell 2.3 points to register 83.6, while the reading for Hispanics plunged 18.7 points to 80.8.
Household expenses and holiday shopping have consumers preparing to spend more in December even as economic confidence has dropped to its lowest level in more than six months.
The Hudson Employment Index (SM) fell 8.9 points in November to a record low of 91.9. Growing concerns about hiring and signs of personal financial strain triggered the decline.
Economic confidence among small business owners declined for the fourth straight month in November, as increased pessimism over the U.S. economy dragged down indicators of relative stability at the small business level, according to the Discover Small Business Watch.
More consumers are expecting to increase their spending next month according to the Discover (R) U.S. Spending Monitor (SM), reversing a five-month trend that consistently showed consumers less willing to spend more.
Worker confidence was unchanged in Boston in October, as the city’s Hudson Employment Index(SM) held steady at 93.3.
Workers in Texas were less confident in October, as the state’s Hudson Employment Index(SM) fell 3.1 points to 123.1.