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June 22, 2012

Race for New Hampshire Governor Is Wide Open

The race to be New Hampshire’s next governor has no clear favorite at this early stage.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely New Hampshire Voters finds the top Republican hopefuls – attorney Ovide Lamontagne and former State Representative Kevin Smith – running neck-and-neck with former Democratic State Senator Jackie Cilley and only slightly ahead of another Democratic hopeful, ex-state Senator Maggie Hassan.

But 20% to 25% of voters in the state like some other candidate or are undecided in every case. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

This New Hampshire survey of 500 Likely Voters was conducted on June 20, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 21, 2012

37% Say America's Best Days Are in the Future

Americans remain more pessimistic than optimistic about the nation's future.

A plurality (45%) of Likely U.S Voters say America’s best days are in the past, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Thirty-seven percent (37%) still believe the best days are in the future.  Eighteen percent (18%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The national survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on June 19-20, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Fieldwork for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC . See methodology.

June 21, 2012

New Hampshire: Obama 48%, Romney 43%

President Obama holds a five-point lead over Mitt Romney in Rasmussen Reports’ first Election 2012 survey of the key state of New Hampshire.

A new telephone survey of Likely Voters in the Granite State finds the president with 48% support, while Romney earns 43% of the vote. Two percent (2%) like some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls).  Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

This New Hampshire survey of 500 Likely Voters was conducted on June 20, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 20, 2012

30% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Thirty percent (30%) of Likely U.S. Voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, June 17.

That's up from 29% the week before.

The national telephone survey of 3,500 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports June 11-17, 2012. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Fieldwork for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology

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June 20, 2012

Montana: Romney 51%, Obama 42%

Montana remains in the Romney column again this month.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney with 51% support to President Obama’s 42%. Five percent (5%) like another candidate in the race, and two percent (2%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls).  Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

This Montana survey of 500 Likely Voters was conducted on June 18, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 20, 2012

Montana: Romney 51%, Obama 42%

Montana remains in the Romney column again this month.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney with 51% support to President Obama’s 42%. Five percent (5%) like another candidate in the race, and two percent (2%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls).  Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

This Montana survey of 500 Likely Voters was conducted on June 18, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 19, 2012

Montana Senate: Rehberg (R) 49%, Tester (D) 47%

Republican Congressman Denny Rehberg remains slightly ahead of Democratic incumbent Jon Tester in Montana’s U.S. Senate race. 

The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Rehberg with 49% support to 47% for Tester. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate, while another two percent (2%) are undecided.  (To see survey question wording, click here.)

This Montana survey of 500 Likely Voters was conducted on June 18, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 18, 2012

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 45%, Democrats 38%

Republicans lead Democrats by seven points on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending Sunday, June 17.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican in their district’s congressional race if the election were held today, while 38% would choose the Democrat instead. Republicans led by six points the week before, 45% to 39%, and seven points 44% to 37%, the week before that.

The national telephone survey of 3,500 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports from June 11-17, 2012. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage point with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 18, 2012

36% Give U.S. Supreme Court Positive Ratings on Job Performance

Just over one-third of voters continue to have a positive view of the U.S. Supreme Court which is expected to rule any day now on the constitutionality of President Obama's national health care law.  

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 36% of Likely U.S. Voters rate the Supreme Court’s performance as good or excellent.  Seventeen percent (17%) say the high court is doing a poor job.  (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook

This national survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on June 13-14, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 18, 2012

Michigan Senate: Stabenow Leads Top GOP Challengers

Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow earns 48% support against two of her likeliest Republican challengers in Rasmussen Reports’ first look at her reelection bid in Michigan.

A new statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows former Congressman Peter Hoekstra trailing by nine points, drawing 39% of the vote against the incumbent. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and 10% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The survey of 500 Likely Voters in Michigan was conducted on June 14, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 16, 2012

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending June 15, 2012

When is bad news not bad news? Or at least not as shocking as it sounds? This week, it was when the government announced that household net worth fell 40% between 2007 and 2010, but most Americans already knew that because they’ve been living it every day.

All Rasmussen Reports major economic indicators – consumer and investor confidence, housing, personal finances, employment, you name it – plunged in recent years and are still far from full recovery as Scott Rasmussen notes in his latest syndicated newspaper column. “Consumers rate their personal finances the same as they did on the day President Obama was inaugurated,” he explains. “If that doesn't improve by November, there's likely to be a new president in January.”

On Friday, the Rasmussen Consumer Index which measures daily consumer confidence fell to its lowest level in three-and-a-half months. Just 23% of consumers say their personal finances are improving, while nearly half (49%) say they are getting worse. Investors don’t feel much better.

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June 15, 2012

Michigan: Obama 50%, Romney 42%

President Obama draws 50% support against Mitt Romney in Rasmussen Reports’ first look at the presidential race in Michigan.

A new statewide telephone survey shows that 42% of Likely Voters support Romney. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The survey of 500 Likely Voters in Michigan was conducted on June 14, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 14, 2012

50% Trust Romney More Than Obama To Handle Economy

Voters continue to trust likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney more than President Obama when it comes to the economy and taxes but are more narrowly divided on three other key issues.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that 50% trust Romney more to handle the economy, while 42% trust the president more. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on June 11-12, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Fieldwork for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 14, 2012

Wisconsin Senate: Thompson (R) 52%, Baldwin (D) 36%

Former Governor Tommy Thompson now earns his highest level of support yet against Democratic Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin’s U.S. Senate race, while the other Republican hopefuls remain nearly tied with her.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Wisconsin finds Thompson with 52% support to Baldwin’s 36%. Six percent (6%) favor some other candidate, and another six percent (6%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls).  Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 500 Likely Voters in Wisconsin was conducted on June 12, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 13, 2012

29% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Likely U.S. Voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, June 10.

For the prior two weeks, 31% felt the country was heading in the right direction.

The national telephone survey of 3,500 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports June 4-10, 2012. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Fieldwork for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology

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June 13, 2012

Wisconsin: Romney 47%, Obama 44%

Mitt Romney now leads President Obama for the first time in Wisconsin where the president's support has fallen to its lowest level to date. 

The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Romney with 47% of the vote to Obama’s 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The survey of 500 Likely Voters in Wisconsin was conducted on June 12, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

June 12, 2012

Top Congressional Leaders Are A Little Less Disliked

Voters like the top Congressional leaders a little more this month—or rather, they dislike them a little less.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi remains the least-liked congressional leader, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Thirty-three percent (33%) of Likely U.S. Voters hold at least a somewhat favorable view of the former House speaker. Fifty-six percent (56%) see her at least somewhat unfavorably, but that’s down from 63% last month. These findings include 13% with a Very Favorable opinion and 44% with a Very Unfavorable one. Eleven percent (11%) do not know enough about Pelosi to offer an opinion. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters nationwide was conducted on June 7-8, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 12, 2012

Iowa: Romney 47%, Obama 46%

President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are in a near tie in Rasmussen Reports’ first look at the critical battleground state of Iowa.

A new telephone survey of Likely Iowa Voters shows Romney earning 47% support to Obama’s 46%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The survey of 500 Likely Voters in Iowa was conducted on June 11, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 11, 2012

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 45%, Democrats 39%

Republicans lead Democrats by six points on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending Sunday, June 10.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican in their district’s congressional race if the election were held today, while 39% would choose the Democrat instead. Republicans led by seven points the week before, 44% to 37%.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The national telephone survey of 3,500 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports from June 4-10, 2012. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage point with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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June 11, 2012

34% Say Next President Very Likely To Be Republican

Though slightly more voters believe President Obama is governing on a bipartisan basis, a majority remains convinced that the next president will be from the Republican Party.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 60% of Likely Voters say it’s at least somewhat likely that the next president will be a Republican, including 34% who see this scenario as Very Likely. Twenty-five percent (25%) say it’s not likely the next president will be from the GOP, but that includes only six percent (6%) who believe it is Not At All Likely. Another 15% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on June 5-6, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.