Most Recent Articles: July 2014
July 31, 2014
51% Attribute Rise in Food Stamps to Tough Economy
Michigan Governor: Snyder (R) 45%, Schauer (D) 42%
54% Believe Obama Wants Most New Illegals to Stay
Doing Well by Doing Good -- but Better by Doing Bad: A Commentary by Froma Harrop
Americans See More Money Coming Their Way
July 30, 2014
24% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction
Michigan Senate: Peters (D) 45%, Land (R) 39%
What America Thinks: Stay Out of the Gaza Conflict
Belief U.S. Is Winning War on Terror Falls to 10-Year Low
49% Believe Government Programs Increase Poverty in America
Healthy Profits? By John Stossel
July 29, 2014
Number of Fiscal Conservatives Up to Highest Level in Past Year
Rasmussen Employment Index Down One Point in July
What Helps Voters Decide - Looks? Sex? Race? Issues?
What Scares Americans About the Child Migrants By Froma Harrop
Fighting Parasitic Bureaucracies and Crony Capitalism by Michael Barone
78% Consider Marriage Important to Society
July 28, 2014
Generic Congressional Ballot: Democrats 41%, Republicans 39%
New Mexico Senate: Udall (D) 54%, Weh (R) 33%
Voters Are Less Wary of U.S. Involvement in Middle East
57% View Health Care Law Unfavorably
July 27, 2014
Georgia Governor: Carter (D) 45%, Deal (R) 44%
July 26, 2014
What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
Kansas Experiment Blows Up Laboratory of Democracy by Joe Conason
July 25, 2014
Voters Trust GOP More on Economy, Immigration and Government Spending
Georgia Senate: Perdue (R) 46%, Nunn (D) 40%
Most Voters See Another Cold War Coming
38% Rate Obama Positively on National Security
Obama Democrats Lose Their Big Bet on Health Exchanges by Michael Barone
July 24, 2014
51% Say There Aren't Enough Cops in America
New Mexico Governor: Martinez (R) 43%, King (D) 43%
Americans Favor Nighttime Curfews for Teens
47% Rate Obama's Handling of Health Care As Poor
To Share Is Not Always to Share Alike by Froma Harrop
Senate: 2014 a Year All Its Own by Larry J. Sabato, Kyle Kondik and Geoffrey Skelley
July 23, 2014
26% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction
What America Thinks: Russia Involved In Passenger Jet Shoot Down
Voters Favor Cutting U.S. Aid to Israel, Palestinians to Force Peace
Policing America: A Commentary by John Stossel
Americans View Poverty As A Bigger Trap Than Ever
July 22, 2014
Americans Don’t Want Feds in Their Shopping Carts
Most Say Airliner Shootdown Won’t Scare Them Out of Flying
Voters See A More Divided Nation; GOPers More Enthusiastic to Vote
44% Believe Economy Will Be Weaker A Year From Now
Obama Dragged Down by Chaos at Home and Abroad, not by the Economy by Michael Barone
Will the Blabbermouths Wake Democrats Up? by Froma Harrop
July 21, 2014
Generic Congressional Ballot: Democrats 39%, Republicans 39%
Have We Got A Conspiracy for You - 9/11? JFK? Obama's Citizenship?
Airliner Shootdown? U.S. Voters Think Russia Did It
Voters Are Less Hot for Obamacare Repeal But Still Think It May Be Coming
Border Crisis Tests Religious Faith -- and Some Fail Badly by Joe Conason
July 20, 2014
Oklahoma Senate: Inhofe (R) 58%, Silverstein (D) 27%
July 19, 2014
What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
July 18, 2014
Voters Still Put Economic Growth Ahead of Economic Fairness
New High: 34% Owe More Money Than They Did A Year Ago
Oklahoma Governor: Fallin (R) 45%, Dorman (D) 40%
Americans Still Strongly Fear Inflation and Expect to Pay for It
How Obama is Turning Liberalism Into an Instrument of Coercion by Michael Barone
July 17, 2014
36% Say Now’s a Good Time to Sell a House
What America Thinks Should Be Done to Stop Illegal Immigration
Voters Still Down on Financial Bailouts
Suing Obamacare Is Washington's Summer Rerun: A Commentary by Froma Harrop
The Hidden Barrier to A Republican Senate Majority by Kyle Klondik
Most Voters Want to Send Latest Illegal Immigrants Home ASAP
50% Have Confidence in Nation’s Banks
July 16, 2014
25% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction
Number Who Say Their Home Worth More Now Is At Three-Year High
Americans Question Motown’s Chances for Recovery
48% Favor Gay Marriage, 41% Oppose
Who'll Build the Roads? By John Stossel
July 15, 2014
Most Adults Still Prefer A Traditional Book to an E-Reader
New High: 64% Say Their Home Worth More Than What They Owe
Voters React to Booker-Paul Plan to Reduce Prison Overcrowding, Restore Felons' Voting Rights
Obama Pays Price for Inaction on Immigration Law by Michael Barone
Voters to Holder: Racism Is Not the Reason for Opposition to Obama
Hippies Under the Bed by Froma Harrop
Maryland Voters Are Less Than Enthusiastic About An O’Malley Presidency
July 14, 2014
Generic Congressional Ballot: Democrats 39%, Republicans 38%
South Carolina Special Senate Election: Scott (R) 53%, Dickerson (D) 31%
There’s Support for Impeachment, But Most Like Electing A New Congress Better
Favorables for Obamacare Tie Low for the Year
July 13, 2014
68% Think Election Rules Rigged for Incumbents
July 12, 2014
What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
July 11, 2014
Maryland Governor: Brown (D) 48%, Hogan (R) 35%
South Carolina Senate: Graham (R) 49%, Hutto (D) 30%
34% Think U.S. Support for Israel Hurts America With Other Nations
Obama Skitters, Scampers and Scuttles Away From Failure by Michael Barone
51% Give Obama Poor Marks on Government Spending
July 10, 2014
58% Think American Society is Fair and Decent
Louisiana Senate: Landrieu (D) 46%, Cassidy (R) 43%
Americans See Limits on Citizenship for Children of Illegals As Best Way to Stop Illegal Immigration
Where Goes Jazz as the Greats Move On? By Froma Harrop
New Low: 29% Think America’s Best Days Still Lie Ahead
July 9, 2014
25% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction
What America Thinks: Is the NSA Spying on You?
Only 20% Think Debate About Global Warming Is Over
Important Slow News: A Commentary By John Stossel
38% Say Their Doctor Has Recommended a Lifestyle Change
July 8, 2014
66% Rate Their Health As Good or Excellent
On July 4, a Message for Patriots of all Persuasions by Joe Conason
54% Think GOP Takeover of Senate Likely
Everyone May Now Board, Except You By Froma Harrop
36% Rate Obama Positively on the Economy
July 7, 2014
Generic Congressional Ballot: Democrats 41%, Republicans 38%
55% Think Women Should Be Allowed to Fight on the Front Lines
46% Believe Obama Administration Has Encouraged Young Illegal Immigrants To Come
51% Remain Opposed to Obamacare’s Individual Mandate
July 6, 2014
48% Are Pro-Choice, 44% Pro-Life
July 5, 2014
What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls
July 4, 2014
58% Consider Fourth of July One of Nation’s Most Important Holidays
Supreme Court Slaps Down the Obama Administration By Michael Barone
July 3, 2014
What America Thinks: Happy 25th Anniversary, Seinfeld!
46% Say U.S. Nation With Liberty and Justice For All
Just 23% Think Unemployment Rate Will Be Lower Next Year
Is the Medium the Menace? By Froma Harrop
78% Know Why We Celebrate Independence Day
July 2, 2014
26% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction
"Crapitalism!" By John Stossel
49% Favor Religious Exemption from Contraceptive Mandate, 39% Oppose
Obama’s Monthly Job Approval Rating Drops A Point in June
July 1, 2014
Rasmussen Employment Index Slips One Point in June
Colorado Governor: Hickenlooper (D) 44%, Beauprez (R) 44%
44% Think Obama Less Faithful to U.S. Constitution Than Most Other Presidents
68% Think U.S. Needs Stricter Enforcement of Existing Gun Laws
Why Government Isn't Working and How to Make it Better by Michael Barone